Insecure 2.6: Be Careful What You Ask for

In this episode, Molly decides to continue her sexual relationship with Dro, despite her doubts before. Even though he is a married man and her childhood friend which is the recipe for disaster. Dro was very cunning in convincing Molly that his wife, Candace, was the one that suggested having an open relationship in the first place. However, I’m sure Candace didn’t mean be with a woman whom has known him for his entire life and that he used to date in Middle School. Yea the sex looks amaaazing *Rihanna voice* and Dro did comfort her when she found out her dad cheated on her mom in the past, but that still doesn’t make it okay or change the fact that he’s married to a friend of yours. It would be one thing if she talked to Candace about the open relationship and actually asked her if it was okay to have sex with her husband. For all Molly knows, Dro could be making the whole thing up and he wants extra attention because Candace never seems to be there.

While Dro is fingering Molly in the bathtub he gets a call from his wife because she left her key and he has to go let her in. Molly looks disappointed, but she can’t really say anything about it or be upset because he’s going to his wife. Dro’s wife will always be his first priority. Molly is simply a mistress, a side chick, a friend with benefits and she cannot be anything more even if she wanted to.  Hopefully she can end it with Dro and keep their friendship intact.

While Molly is in an open relationship, Issa is going through her hoe phase. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and I’m definitely here for it. However, Issa can’t be mad at the guys in her hoe-tation for not being completely available to her whenever she wants. That’s the con of being a hoe, you don’t have a steady partner. Actually that’s the main con, unless you count being at risk for STDs and pregnancy. But nowadays people should know how to hoe with caution and protect themselves, so I feel like that’s not a con unless you’re careless.

Back to Issa. She was mad at her neighbor for having another girl over, even though she came to his place unannounced. Ya’ll didn’t have any type of agreement that said to always be ready when the other person pops up. She can’t even be mad. Missy Elliott said it best, ” Call before you come I gotta shave my chocha”. She wasn’t lying! You can’t pop up on anybody for a sex appointment. That’s why it’s an appointment. The other party needs to know ahead of time.

Then, she was mad at Nico Papi….(like Nikki Baby…see what I did there? Who watches LHHH?) for treating her with respect and wanting to take it slow. YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND A DECENT GUY!!?? And Issa ruins that chemistry and potential bae because she just wants to get straight to sex . Girl that would come later. Enjoy those free meals and laughs while you can. And Nico still wants to take her out after she is rude, but she just waves him out the door??? What??? Issa fucked up with that one.

Lastly, she gives Daniel a blowjob and he cums on her face. So, of course she gets mad at him and leaves upset. I understand being upset, but he apologized and I am sure that he had no intention of cumming on her face. She was sucking the soul out of him. He obviously didn’t have control over his body. It makes me wonder what they taught in that class and where I can find the tutorial. But yea, Issa messing up with all of her hoes and she’s being hella hypocritical. She wanted to be a hoe and I assume hoes get cum on their faces sometimes. You gotta wipe it off and keep moving. Especially, if she wants to Have Orgasmic Experiences which is my acronym for H.O.E.