Insecure 2.7: These Niggas Are Triflin’

In this episode, there are some messed up men. So I’m going to use this time to call them all out.

First up are the white men that interviewed Molly. They all see that Molly is making moves and working hard. She executes everything perfectly and brings up the fact that time has no meaning and that they could promote her whenever they want. The two men in front seem to be very impressed with her, but the head honcho in the back is just like nah. I’ll pass. You can wait until next year and we’ll decide on whether we want to give you a raise or not at that time.

Now this is complete BS because we already know that Molly is getting paid less than another white man that works at her firm. And that man barely does any work. So we know they don’t have a problem paying people. They could at least raise her pay to equal that of the other guy. They’re just trying to lowball Molly because she’s a black woman. At this point, I feel like Molly should move on to a place that appreciates her and will pay her what she’s worth because those white men don’t care. And that’s exactly why those men are triflin’.

Next is the racist vice principal Mr. Gaines. I usually agree with the idea that black people can’t be racist against white people because they are not in a position of power. But in this case, Mr. Gaines is in a position of power over the Hispanic students since he is the principal. I don’t understand what his problem is with Hispanic children and why he looks at them like their hoodlums and problem starters. He should understand how it feels to be viewed that way, especially since he’s a black man and white people treat black people that way. I thought it was really messed up when he said “what’s the problem? Nobody’s dead,” when Issa tried to confront him about his treatment of the Hispanic children. Even though he’s not shooting them, it still doesn’t make it right. He’s definitely triflin’.

Another triflin’ guy is Dro and his cheating behind. Even if you’re in an “open relationship,” you’re really gonna do it with Molly while your wife is in the other room? That’s really fucked up. Also, like I said in the last article, Molly is his mistress. He convinces her that she’s as special to him as his wife. He even pulled out the chair for Molly and not his wife when they were about to sit down. But when she had to sit at the other end of the table, he didn’t pay any attention to her. Because why would he when his wife is sitting right next to him. Granted Molly is grown and she knew that he was married, but I feel like Dro took advantage of her when she was vulnerable. He also knows they have a close friendship and is using it to his favor. Plus, if his marriage is so open, then why did he want Molly take wait back for a little while? It wouldn’t be strange if they coincidentally came out of the bathroom at the same time. Or maybe he knows that his wife is already suspicious and if they came back together, then she would put two and two together. Either way this Dro and Molly situation is messed up.

Last, but not least is Lawrence and his victim playing self. He should have never gone to that birthday dinner with his coworker/lover/play boo. Even if it was a bigger party, he knew that most of the people that were gonna be there would be Issa’s friends. Also why did he go after Issa when he was the reason she left in the first place? Just stop acting like you care. Then, he brought up her being with Daniel after they broke up which is none of his concern anymore. Ya’ll not together so she can do whatever she wants just like you and your threesome having ass. He immediately jumped into Tasha’s bed after he broke up with Issa and he still acting hurt. You broke up with her so why do you care who she sleeps with? You literally brought another woman to the party with you and you bringing Daniel up as if she brought him there. How hypocritical and not surprising. Also, he blocked her on Facebook because of a picture she didn’t even post and he doesn’t even know the context of. The part that really got me was that he called her a hoe!!!! How you gonna call her a hoe when she cheated one time??? And you’re the one that kinda pushed her in that direction because you weren’t putting in any effort. You didn’t even take her out on her birthday, which is when she reunited with Daniel in the first place. If you had went out with her, that probably wouldn’t have happened. Honestly, Lawrence is lucky that Issa didn’t hit him because I would fight him.