Will Racism really end because of Charlottesville?

Lately, people have been taking down Confederate Statues and speaking against the Confederate flag because of the violent protests that occurred in Charlottesville. People are upset that neo-Nazis have come onto the scene and white people are finally starting to check their racist friends. They are also upset that Heather Heyer, a white woman, was ran over by a neo-Nazi while people were protesting in the street. The fact that she was ran over is horrible and I am not saying that is isn’t. However, where were all the white people when black people were dying?

In fact, white people are the ones that voted for Trump and allowed Neo-Nazis to feel like it was their time in the first place. He was blatantly racist during his entire campaign and they voted for him because they thought he would miraculously change and become a better person when he became the President. Even after he continued to mess things up and tweet outrageuos things, there will people still saying “Nothing, but respect for my President”.

When Black Lives Matter became a movement, white people were still trying to justify the police killing innocent people. They tried to find every excuse for why innocent black people should die.

But now that neo-Nazis are on the rise, they want to speak up about racism. Now that Jewish people are in danger, they want to fight the Nazis. Now that the Nazis are trying to protect Confederate Statues, they want to take them down. However, the reason that neo-Nazis are showing up is because the majority of white people voted for Donald Trump. Confederate Statues and flags that have always represented racism and slavery to black people are being taken down because Nazis want them up. When black people had a problem with Confederate flags, it was “They represent history, not racism or slavery. You’re too sensitive.” Yet when we bring up slavery, the response is to get over the past, but ya’ll can hold onto these flags and statues from the past.

Although I am glad that some white people are finally speaking up against racism, I just find it interesting that it’s only against a group of people that aren’t a part of the system. When police officers are racist, nothing is said. When the President is racist, nobody says anything until he supports Nazis and White Supremacists. And that is because people view them as being in a position of power and think they can’t do anything about it. But the reality is the system is supported by people. If the majority of people go against the system, then it will fall. However, there is no way that white people will give up their privilege so that everybody can be treated fairly and equally.