Insecure 2.8: Closure or Nah? Too many Questions and Not Enough Answers

In the finale of Season 2, we were left with a lot of open ends regarding everybody. The only thing I really got closure on was the Issa and Lawrence relationship. I’m happy they both apologized to each other and maybe they can be friends from now on. It’s interesting how they gained closure while moving out of the apartment that was the base of their relationship and it ended with the giving away of the couch, the symbol of their love.

The part that really surprised me was the marriage sequence. It came out of nowhere and you could tell that Issa was the one dreaming because the camera would zoom in on her face before going to the next part of the daydream. I guess she thought that since her life was falling a part, in terms of having a place to stay and her career, it would be great if she could build a life with Lawrence like she originally wanted to. Especially since they just made up and said they both still loved each other. However, I never wanted that to happen and I feel like they outgrew each other anyway. Maybe I won’t have to see Lawrence in the next season because I feel like his relevance and role in Issa’s life and the show is done.

One of the reasons I’m tired of Lawrence is that he always seems so naive in how relationships work. He tried to convince himself he wasn’t a f*ckboy when he was messing with Tasha. I’m glad she called him out on his bs. Now, he’s being so insecure with his “relationship” with Aparna. From Aparna’s introduction we already knew she slept with a mutual coworker and that she didn’t see that relationship going any further. Lawrence knew about her past and he still proceeded to move forward with her. I guess he thought it was a one time thing so he didn’t care, but when he learns that she slept with him multiple times it becomes a problem and he starts to get jealous. Mind you, all of these people work together. Aparna is always gonna interact with the other guy and Lawrence will always be around during the interaction. Lawrence should also take into account that if they break up, he’s gonna have to keep seeing Aparna at work unless one of them gets another job. These are the risks you take when dating someone that you work with. He knew all of these risks and he still decided to jump into a relationship with Aparna, which is just messy. And this is why I don’t like Lawrence. Because he just doesn’t think and half-assedly commits. He might as well not commit at all.  I would have more respect for him that way.

Speaking of doing half-assed things, Molly was wildin’ in this episode. She wasn’t that interested in Quinton and yet she has sex with him? Why Molly?! Maybe Quinton was flirting with her, but I’m sure he wasn’t trying to rush into having sex with her. When I watched the episode again, most of his actions seemed more friendly than sexual or romantic. Now he might be expecting them to have sex more often or at least another time. And Molly missed the chance of having a friend that worked in the same  field as her that she could talk about bs with.

I also hate that we didn’t get to hear from Candice on whether her and Dro are really in an open marriage. Meanwhile, Molly has gone up a level on the Mistress game and is buying lingerie for Dro like he’s her man. I also feel like Issa doesn’t know that Molly is still seeing Dro and she’s trying to cover it up with the Quinton situation, but we’ll see next season. `

Also, Issa’s life is going into a downward spiral right now. She got in trouble at work. She doesn’t have a place to stay and is sleeping on people’s couches (including Daniel’s but I’ll get back to that). Her life is literally trash right now. But honestly it gives me hope for her in season 3. Because you gotta be broken down before you can build yourself up….sometimes. Sometimes you just stay down. But she has a good support system with Molly, her brother, and Daniel.

Daniel literally let Issa sleep on his couch even though she’s been so mean to him. Most guys wouldn’t put up with none of the stuff that Issa has put Daniel through and yet he’s always there for her. When she crashed her car he came to pick her up. When she needed somebody to come to school for her job, he agreed to do it. And now when she has no place to stay, he lets her stay on his couch. Issa better open her eyes and see that Daniel really cares about her or I’m gonna come and take him for myself. And he’ll probably reject me because he likes Issa too much, but I’ll take that chance. Life is about risks. #IssaHusband.

Another thing I wanna talk about besides the characters and their stories is the editing. That finale had amazing transitions. For instance, when Lawrence said something about dessert and it followed a plate of cookies to his desk. Or when Issa put down the cup in her apartment and it came to a cup in another scene. I loved how the editors used visual and audio transitions.

Another aspect of the finale I loved and died laughing at was the show within the show: Due North. Due North is basically a soap opera that takes place during slavery. There are slaves sleeping with their masters on purpose while other slaves are trying to escape. I wouldn’t mind if it had its own spin off and became an actual show. But I also feel weird because slavery was serious and terrible. But they made Due North so hilarious.

Due North