Drag Race 10 Finale Had Me Stressed!!!

The season finale of season ten was so intense that it made me get back on twitter! I kept texting my friend and he wouldn’t answer, but I just had to vent to somebody because the suspense was unreal.

Rupaul opened by bringing out the season 1 queens and then the season 10 queens to celebrate the decade of drag. My top 3 looks from season 10 were Dusty Ray Bottoms, The Vixen, and Miz Cracker.

Dusty Ray Bottoms had on a stunning black and red asymmetrical dress with the dramatic, blonde asymmetrical bob to match. I’ve always loved Ray Bottoms and her looks. I remember when I first saw her on the promo I thought, ‘Who is that?’ She stood out so much to me and I was mesmerized.

The Vixen looked like royalty in that purple and gold. I think I like purple more than I thought, but she just popped. Everything about the different textures was great. There was this contrast of a hard top and a soft bottom. See what I did there?

Miz Cracker came out looking like a black widow. This look stood out to me because for most of the season, Cracker was always in lighter colors like pinks and silvers. That was the moment I knew a new cracker had been baked. She should’ve used this look for Miz Crumbs, but instead she left the crumbs in the past where they were and went for a different flavor. I could tell from the reunion that Cracker had become more salty. When she wiped away the tear on the runway I was like who is this? I guess she wore black to symbolize the death of her old self.

I’m happy that Monet X Change won Miss Congeniality. I wanted Monique Heart to win because she gave us personality and so many catchphrases while she was there. Everything felt like it was missing some glitter and light when she left. But Monet X Change would definitely be my next pick. I would be happy with either one.

Now on to the most important matter: The fucking lip sync battle!! First of all, I’m tired of these four way battles. They make no sense and eliminating 3 people in one episode is way too much. I feel like all of the challenges the queens did throughout the season goes out the window and becomes pointless if all they have to do is lip sync well. And honestly, Kameron was at an advantage because she lip synced for half the season and definitely earned the title of lip sync assassin. She’s more than that, she’s like a lip sync James Bond or whatever is higher than an assassin.

Anyways, before the battle even began I was looking at all of their outfits and I was like ya’ll know this is a battle, right? This isn’t a fashion challenge. This is a perform challenge and it doesn’t look like ya’ll can perform in any of that crap that ya’ll are wearing. The only one that looked ready was Kameron. She was literally dressed like THE lip sync assassin. I was reminded of The Vixen because it looked like she came to fight while the others came to look pretty.

The first battle was between Asia and this is where the stress came in. I wanted Asia to win the crown, but I wasn’t confident on whether or not she could take down Kameron. Asia’s outfit was also too much to dance with. I understood what a hassle big boobs can be and the giant breasts on her outfit were bothering me. When the song started Kameron took off and Asia was still at the line. I was like where is the energy? Then, when she started taking parts of her outfit off and she started blowing at the first reveal, I was like she’s going to lose. I really thought that she was gonna forget about the butterflies and start the battle. Instead she was consumed with getting the butterflies to act right. I admit that it would have been very beautiful if the butterflies had acted right, but they were against you sis. Kameron probably killed them to ensure your failure, but she shouldn’t have relied on insect stunts for this fight. Kameron easily destroyed her and moved to the next round. I was so upset. I was rooting for Asia! We [all black people] were all rooting for you! I was disappointed and I thought Asia definitely should’ve slapped Ru since she was already out.

The second battle was between Aquaria and Eureka. They both had some reveals, but Aquaria completely demolished Eureka. Aquaria even did moves from the music video and I don’t  remember Eureka doing much. When Ru saved them both, it made no sense. Then I realized that it didn’t matter who was in the second battle. Both of them would be saved for the final battle. Therefore, if Asia was in the second battle she would’ve won with or without the dead butterflies. That save was such a reach. Ru literally saved Eureka earlier in the competition and to do it again was so absurd. Who was paying Ru to keep this girl? Aquaria killed her and Ru was like nope. She has one life left. I didn’t like the games Ru was playing. At this point, I definitely hopped on the Aquaria train.

For the final battle, Aquaria came out like a dark superhero. She had fireworks and guns to go with the bang. I don’t even remember the outfits of the other two because they didn’t matter. Eureka confirmed she didn’t matter because she barely did anything once again. She was saved for no reason. I think she actually wanted to lose because her energy was lacking. Kameron, on the other hand, was fighting tooth and nail for the crown. She was like I made it this far and I’m not the lip sync assassin for nothing. The final battle actually felt like a final battle in an anime. Eureka was that useless character that’s in the background and not contributing at all.

With ‘ Bang Bang’ being the song choice, it was obvious why Ru wanted three girls to be in the top. That’s a hard song to sing in general and probably just as hard to lip sync. Especially since there are so many singers to keep up with and they have to sing all the parts. Honestly, that was a terrible song choice.

Finally, after all the nonsense, Aquaria won. Even if it was a close call, the obvious winner would be Aquaria because she was never in the bottom and Kameron was in the bottom most of the time. I’m happy that Aquaria won despite all the BS that Ru put her through to get  that crown.

Final SN: The pit crew dance moves were so crazy that all the queens were like Oh! I thought that was pretty funny and entertaining.