A Girl in New York Last Day: Facebook Birthday Fun

I started the day pretty late because I was still recovering from the night/morning before. I woke up to birthday wishes from my friends and family, but I didn’t have any plans for the day of my birthday. The trip in itself was considered my birthday present.

I wanted chicken and waffles so I went back to Sweet Chick. The place was crowded so I just sat at the bar. I ordered boozy sweet tea and it actually tasted okay. The bartender was really cute. He had glasses and locs. I was surprised I was attracted to him because I don’t usually go for guys with locs. I ordered the basic chicken and waffle combo, paid, and left.

The only thing that I knew I wanted to do on my birthday was visit the Momofuku milk bar. Luckily, there was one in the area so I walked over while holding down my dress. It was a little windy and my dress kept trying to fly up.  I also had to poop really bad, but I wasn’t about to go home just to come back to the same area. I walked while holding it in. When I finally got there, I ordered The Greatest Hits combo that came with: a compost cookie, a slice of crack pie, birthday truffles, and the cereal milk soft serve with cornflake crunch. Everything came pre packaged except for the soft serve. I had to eat it at the moment, which was a little difficult because I already had to poop. It took a while for me to eat the ice cream and I’m sure the lady that worked there thought I was strange. There was no restroom there so I had no choice, but to go back to my airbnb to poop.


Connie told me about a Happy Hour that was happening at her job later that evening so I just stayed home and rested until I had to leave to meet her. When I arrived, I encountered a weird elevator that required you to enter the floor you were going to on the touchpad before getting in the elevator. After you put your floor, the touchpad would tell which elevator car to get into. If you entered the car without entering the floor outside, the elevator wouldn’t take you anywhere. There were other people visiting their friends for the happy hour and we were all confused.


When we got upstairs, we had to check in, sign a NDA and get name badges. I wasn’t sure if I could take pictures, but Connie said it was okay as long as it wasn’t of any of the work. We ate in the cafeteria fro free and there was an open bar. She told me that they provided food an snacks for all of the employees. Oh I forgot to mention that Connie works for Facebook. So after we ate, she gave me a tour of their facilities.

We went up to the roof first and the view was extraordinary! I had already wanted to go on top of a roof and I’m happy I got to do it within the city. Looking around at the other buildings and the skyline was breathtaking. I was so in awe with the skyline that I don’t think I ever looked down. Afterwards, she showed me the game room. There was a pool table, foosball table, DDR, all of the game consoles with multiple televisions.

Next, Connie showed me the massage chairs. The chair literally massaged every part of your body. Every part! The arms, the legs, the feet, all of it. I sat in it and I didn’t want to get up. I thought about buying one, but let’s be real I probably can’t afford it. I was so relaxed that Connie had to force me to get up to finish the tour.

We went to the Instagram floor next. There was an area for people to take cool pictures so we did that. Honestly, the only thing I wanted to do on the instagram floor was take pictures. There were also rooms with strange names that people could work in.


The last stop on the tour was the music room. They had a room with any instrument you could think of. People could literally go in, pick up an instrument, and start playing. Connie picked up a guitar and started strumming. I picked up the electric violin, but I couldn’t remember how to play anything so I played random notes. There was a microphone so I sang a little as well. I can’t sing, but that doesn’t stop me. One of Connie’s coworkers played the drums. It sounds like we all just joined together and played an amazing song, but that’s not what happened. We were just playing around. Get it? we were playing the instruments, but just randomly. Playing around.

That was the final thing on the tour so I returned my badge and we made our way to the subway station. I said my final goodbyes to Connie and made my way back to my airbnb.

I had such a fun time touring the facebook building and I’m happy I got to spend more time with Connie and explore New York. This was one of my best birthdays and I really enjoyed myself.