Insecure 3.6: F*ckboys and Babies

After seeing the portraits of Tiffany as famous pregnant black women, I realized that this was the year for black motherhood. Everybody famous had a baby while still slaying their careers. But this episode was more focused on baby shower drama than motherhood. For some reason, men were invited to the baby shower so they decided to make it about Issa and Lawrence making peace and Molly and Dro having drama. It always amazes me that there is so much friction at the events that Tiffany and her boo have. At their engagement party, Issa and Lawrence had a big fight. While Molly and Dro f*cked in the bathroom with his wife a few feet away. This time, Lawrence and Issa became cordial while Molly and Dro aren’t on speaking terms. I would continue to talk about Issa and Lawrence, but I don’t understand why he’s relevant and still on the show. Instead, let’s focus on Molly and Dro.

Dro is a F*ckboy

We all know that Molly is Dro’s mistress and for some reason she really believes that he was in an open marriage and actually cared about her wellbeing. From their interaction at the baby shower, I can tell that Dro is just another f*ckboy that was trying to have his cake and eat it on the side too. Their relationship literally stopped working because Molly wanted some boundaries and Dro had an issue with respecting her wishes. He felt that he should be able to have a whole wife while also seeing Molly whenever he wanted to. What a greedy man. Of course when he can’t get his way he completely ignores Molly and treats her like the side piece  that she agreed to be, even though she thought he supposedly cared about her and their friendship.

From the very beginning, I thought that Dro was lying about the open marriage and now I’m confident that he was because of two reasons:

1. He’s about to have a baby. If you in an open relationship, I think it would be more about you and your wife experimenting with other people and exploring individual needs. A baby is happens when you’re focused on the relationship, expanding the family, and growing as a unit. Also, I would hope there would be protection if they agreed to sleep with other people. If not, then I don’t even know.

2. Candace is always so chummy when she sees Molly as if she isn’t aware that Molly is sleeping with her husband. There would be some kind of friction or tension from Candace if she knew about Molly, but there isn’t. Even if she agreed to an open marriage, there’s no way that she would agree to her husband sleeping with a mutual friend. That’s just weird.

I’m hoping Dro’s lies will finally come out and Molly will finally wise up and stop acting like she has a right to be upset about a married man having a baby with his wife. I don’t know why it’s easier for her to avoid an Asian guy that wants to take her out than it is for her to stop sleeping with a married man.

Molly + Asian Guy = Yaaaas Please

Speaking of the Asian guy, he’s cute. If Molly doesn’t want him, I will gladly take him off of her hands. I see no problem with teaching him about the culture. I would rather do that instead of teaching someone how to be a decent human being. Plus, he could teach me about his culture too so I would be expanding my world view. He clearly likes her because he listened to her cry about her life while she was drunk and he held onto her jacket for her. The black guy left as soon as she started to get personal. They were also thrown out of Coachella so the fact that he had her jacket means that he went back when it was over and got it for her. He’s already winning points on top of his cute points.

Issa and her Nonsense

Now let’s get back to Issa and her nonsense.

Issa is really trying to create a block party for her neighborhood as if that’s going to help her make money. I understand the idea of spending money to make money, but her entire idea makes no sense. She literally came up with the idea while she was high at Coachella and I didn’t think she would actually continue to pursue it. She’s also still talking to Nathan and I’m surprised that he actually stayed in contact with her. When he asked her about the relationship being real and she asked if people really said things like that, I wanted to hit her. Are you an adult? Learn how to talk about your feelings. You were practically begging for him to make things serious with you and now you acting brand new?

I don’t think that they’re keeping it real with each other anyway. If they were, he would tell her to get a job and stop playing around. He would also answer her texts and calls. That entire case situation was fishy and weird. It makes me think that he’s a criminal on the run or hiding some terrible secret. If he ghosts on her in the next episode I won’t be surprised. Hopefully, Issa will start to get her stuff together because her illusions will shatter when Nathan leaves.

Honorable Mentions

Lawrence needs to wrap it up because he’s too grown not to know better and that’s gross. He’s lucky Chlamydia is the only thing he got.

Tiffany could’ve let Kelli put her cupcakes on the table. They were mean for that. Tiffany also could’t talked to Kelli about someone else planning the baby shower. Communication is key if you want to keep your friends and start a family.