Insecure 3.7: Issa Let That Mango

I can relate to Issa’s inner thoughts because I think about crazy things too.

Issa the Stalker

We’ve all had a time when we obsessed over a boy that left us for no reason at all. But going to their house because somebody tagged them in a picture is going way too far. Not only did she go to his house, she went into his room while he wasn’t there and tried to log into his computer. Nathan is probably out living his life and not even thinking about her and if he is, he’s probably only thinking about ways to avoid her. Honestly, if Issa was going to drive to his house, she should’ve just did a stakeout and waited until she saw him go inside. If you’re going to stalk, then you might as well commit and do it properly.

I’m mostly mad at Issa for blaming herself for Nathan’s ghosting. Sometimes we as women blame ourselves for the f*cked up sh*t that men do to us, but it’s never our fault. Ladies, we’re not responsible for their actions. We just need to live our lives and let that mango. Most of the time, they’re not worth the trouble anyway.

Molly the Saboteur

Molly always sabotages her chances at having a relationship with a good guy. It happened in the first season when she didn’t want to be with a guy that worked at a rent a car center. She shut down a guy in the second season so she could be with married Dro. Now, she’s mad  at Andrew for telling her the truth about her situation with Dro. He didn’t do anything wrong. She called him grimy for kissing his friend’s ex while she’s out her having full on affairs and he mentioned it as a light joke. He didn’t judge her or hold it against her. Yet, she’s mad at him because she can’t acknowledge that she made a mistake and move on. That will probably be the end of her and Andrew. Goodbye cutie.

Lawrence the Church Boy

I think Lawrence decided to go to church because he realized he was being a reckless thot by not wearing condoms. He doesn’t seem like he actually has a desire to go to church. He just thinks it’s the right thing to do. I thought he was going to hook up with that girl form the church and I’m happy he didn’t. He must’ve realized that he wasn’t about that life. I was surprised that his friend decided to get saved. One minute he was looking at women and the next he was walking down the church aisle.

This was an interesting take on the modern ministries and how they appeal to the younger generation by mentioning social media and having a more theatrical set up.

Honorable Mentions

Torian is just hating on Molly because she gave a great presentation and he might no longer be the star of the firm. Honestly, he was treating her like she was his assistant and she’s not.

I love Porto’s and I’ve actually been to the location in Burbank.

I don’t know why I’ve never made a fake account to stalk people with. I’m definitely behind the times.