Insecure 3.8: The End or the Beginning?

Some chapters have closed, but have others opened?

I Thought Lawrence Wanted Issa

Lawrence went to talk with his dad about the difficult of finding a partner that works for him. His dad informed him that relationships don’t come easy, they take work. For whatever reason, Lawrence thought that relationships were effortless. I thought for sure he was going to try to get back with Issa. Especially with the hints from the last episode when Issa and him were talking about finding the right church. Plus, they kept on running into each other. He gave her those Raisinets on her birthday and they had they bonding over the movie scene. I hate Lawrence and I did not want him back in the picture. They broke up and I wanted them to keep it that way so I was irritated at the thought of him potentially starting over. When Chad said his wife took him back after he cheated and affirmed what Lawrence’s father had said about working on the relationship, I started to get nervous.

The ending when he went on the date with the girl form the baby shower really surprised me. Did they meet up at The Last Dragon showing? Did Lawrence go because she personally invited him? How long had this relationship been going on? It was especially weird because Issa just found a new friend her and there’s definitely going to be drama in the next season when Issa finds out she’s with her ex. I bet Issa is going to act like it doesn’t bother her, but it will.

Molly Looks in the Mirror

This subtitle is a reference to Michael Jackson’s man in the mirror because if you wanna make the world a better place, you gotta look at yourself and make the change. Molly’s world was all kinds of messed up and she was the cause of the chaos.

At her work place, she just wanted to use people to get to the top instead of developing good relationships with them. She related to the other women that hated Torian for being a show off and then abandoned them to work with Torian. Then, she did the presentation without Torian to get the shine for herself. Honestly, I love that she was aggressive, but there are other ways to be aggressive without involving other people. Now Torian and the other women have teamed up against her because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Yes, she looks good to the partners, but at what cost? She can try to get in their good graces by buying food for them, but they already see her as a snake. She better start making friends with other people in the office, if the gossip hasn’t reached everyone else.

When she saw Jared again, she assumed he was gay just because he was with a guy. He can have guy friends. Her imagination ran while because she remembered he had a sexual encounter with another guy, but he clearly told her that he tried it out and it wasn’t for him. Instead of taking his word for it, she ran away for no reason. She looked dumb when the guy was turned out to be her brother. That’s why you don’t assume things about people Molly.

But I do agree with Molly turning away Nathan on Issa’s birthday. She was only trying to look out for her friend. Although she could’ve at least told Issa that she saw him. Yes it wasn’t her decision to make, but she had good intentions. She literally witnessed Issa sneak into this man’s house so I don’t blame her for being overprotective.

I’m happy that she called Andrew and sincerely apologized to him. He’s a good person  and Molly always tries to find bad qualities in the men that want her. Hopefully he’ll return for season 4 and add to the eye candy of Insecure. Please come back cutie. Maybe Molly will finally have a lasting relationship.

Issa is Finally Getting her Life Together

Issa was literally cleaning house and it’s about time because she been doing the least all season. She finally started looking for another job. I knew she was going to apply to that nonprofit that focused on music and she’ll probably start working there next season. Issa also found someone with connections that could help her with her block party. Shout out to networking that I need to do more of.

Nathan came back from wherever he disappeared to and I’m happy that Issa seemed to have some closure. He probably was going through a lot of things, but he could’ve at least told her that he was going to disappear for a while. I understand that there are things that he has to work through and he didn’t want to bring negative energy around Issa, but he still ended up hurting her. Issa is going to think about whether she wants to be with him, but I hope she realizes that if he is going through something he needs to work it out on his own or she might experience more heartbreak in the future.  Although she seems like she won’t get with him, she probably will because Issa is always with a man. I kind of want to see her alone and grinding. But let’s see what happens next season.

See you for Season 4!