Steven Universe The Movie Review


Before the movie began, Rebecca Sugar told us that the movie would be good for fans and people who were just beginning to watch the series. I wasn’t sure how that would be possible because the movie took place after everything that happened with the diamonds. I understood after I watched the entire thing. It was basically a Steven Universe crash course.

The movie starts with a summary of Steven and the Crystal Gem’s story thus far in the form of a book. Then, Spinel shows up and she attacks Steven because his mom, Pink Diamond, left her behind and began a new life on Earth. Mind you, Steven doesn’t know her….at all. Yet she shows up on Earth ready to destroy his life because of something that has nothing to do with him. She turns Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl to their gem forms with a weapon called the Rejuvenator. Spinel attempts to do the same to Steven and he appears unaffected but his gem takes the damage. Apparently, the Rejuvenator resets the gems so everybody forgets everything that they’ve ever been through and they return to factory settings. Now Steven has to find a way to get them to remember who they are so they can save the Earth, but Spinel is reset as well.


I know people sympathize with Spinel because Pink Diamond left her behind and she’s supposed to be adorable, but I don’t blame Pink Diamond. Spinel was annoying and she only wanted to play forever. Pink Diamond wanted to mature and have her own colony. She wouldn’t have been able to do her duties if she had to entertain Spinel all the time. Actually, she probably wouldn’t have changed into a rose quartz and explored the Earth because Spinel would be her source of entertainment. As a diamond, Pink didn’t have to actually do anything because her court and soldiers did everything for her. Thus, Pink was able to see the beauty of Earth and its creatures because she left Spinel in the garden.

I know that Spinel just wanted a friend but she can’t force Pink or Steven to stay friends with her. Sometimes people outgrow each other and they have to move on. She might not like Pink’s decision but she has to respect it. Furthermore, she had a real jealousy issue. Your friends can have other friends and that should be okay. Even though she was a bit much for my taste, I’m happy she was able to live with the other diamonds. They can all reminisce about Pink while giving Steven some peace and space.

New Songs

The movie had so many songs to put me in my feelings. Honestly, if you listen to the soundtrack alone you can still visualize the movie. I liked most of them, but I’m only going to talk about three.

  1. Let Us Adore You by the Diamonds was a sweet song. The harmonizing was so on point and it showed how much they’ve changed and wanted to have their family back. This song and Happily Ever After helped to bring the story full circle. When Spinel joins the Diamonds in singing about how they all missed Pink Diamond it shows how her loss impacted all of them and how they would be able to help each other in their grieving. Spinel could be Pink Diamond’s replacement and entertain the diamonds. The Diamonds could take turns playing with Spinel and giving her all the attention she wants.
  2. Independent Together by Steg, Pearl, and Opal was liberating in that it reminded Pearl that she’s more than a servant and awakened her memories. There was also the message of everybody being in control of their own fates and choices. Also that even though you’re independent you don’t necessarily have to be alone. This is further illustrated with the fusions of Steg and Opal. They all have the choice being a fusion. When I saw Steg I almost lost it because I didn’t know Steven could actually fuse with Greg and that hair and those muscles took me places. But I digress. It reminded me of when Greg and Rose tried to fuse and they succeeded figuratively but not literally.
  3. The last song was between Change and Drift Away. I’m going to go with Drift Away because it showed Spinel’s side of the story. This song portrayed the idea of loving someone so much that you forsake your own well being. Spinel wanted to make Pink Diamond happy no matter what so she stayed in the garden for thousands of years. Mind you, Pink Diamond has the ability to make any gem obey her so that probably played into it as well. Through Spinel’s story we are reminded to tend to ourselves before others because people could change their minds at any moment. Spinel literally became crazy and transformed into another person after Pink abandoned her. She also clearly has issues with abandonment because she wants someone to replace Pink and she still needs to figure out how to form healthy relationships.

The movie was amazing and I encourage everyone to check it out. If you’ve never watched Steven Universe you will still be able to enjoy this movie!