Is Drag Wrestling the Future of Drag? Because I’m Here For It

House of Alxndr curated an event at The Bakery called SUCKAPUNCH that featured Drag Wrestling and a concert starring Mood Killer and Dorian Electra mixed in. I honestly didn’t know what to expect because Wrestling and Drag seem like two things that would never go together. Wrestling features men in tight clothes pretending to fight each other to show their strength and masculinity. While drag is usually dressing as the opposite sex and lip syncing to popular songs. It all made sense when I saw it. Drag and Wrestling are both performative arts. So they actually mix well together.

The matches featured drag kings and queens fighting each other while lip syncing to music that built up the aggression and set the scene. There were also added sound effects for the punches and kicks that were built into the tracks. Each fighter had different songs and the track would alternate between songs with smacks and slaps as transitions. To be honest, performing a lip sync is hard on it’s own so I can only imagine how hard it had to be to add in combat choreography. Also each person had to follow their own part and give support to their opponent’s performance. Wrestling is combat choreography without music so they don’t have to worry about cues and they only have to rely on their partner.

Another factor that made drag wrestling exciting was the themed rounds. The first round featured retail therapy with TJ Maxxx and the pharmaceutical industry with King Perka sexx. I guess it was also a battle of x’s since they both have xxx in their names. Perka Sexxx was a rapper with a doctor’s lab coat on and TJ Maxxx had price tags all over their clothes. TJ Maxxx had an attack that featured a 50% off coupon that he slammed on Perka sexxx’s head. The drugs won as Perka sexxx launched a syringe into TJ Maxxx.

The next round featured nature versus toxins and waste with a Summer Solstice in a green jumpsuit sporting vines and Saliva Godiva an outfit made of garbage bags. Saliva Godiva even brought out 3 bags of garbage to dump on the floor before the match started. Talk about trashy. Summer Solstice used her vines to whip the toxins away but she was ultimately no match for the Anthrax powder that Saliva Godiva poured over her and the entire ring and threw against the wall. I hope that match wasn’t foreshadowing for the future of the Earth because that pollution was unyielding.

Happiness and sunshine versus darkness and rage with Miss He and Alexa Suarez were next. Miss He had a hot pink jumpsuit and radiant smile as she waved energetically to the crowd. Alexa Suarez just scowled at the crowd. I thought Alexa was going to destroy Miss He because of the misconception that rage is stronger than happiness, but I was wrong. Sunshine eradicated the darkness and Miss He painted a pink smile on Alexa to mark her victory.

One of my favorite fights was the Cat fight. It was literal and figurative because IV Fischer and Brigitte Bidet were dressed as cats and they were fighting over a guy. They performed to one of my favorite songs: The Boy Is Mine by Brandy and Monica. Tails were used as whips and faces were sat on. Towards the end the rage turned into lust and the boy was forgotten. The cat was out of the bag and the felines caught feelings for each other.

There was a dance performance by Jaybella Bankz before the second round. She twerked so well I thought I was in a strip club. I need more practice to get on that level and I probably won’t get there. I was silently moving my butt cheeks to the song because my butt isn’t big enough to clap.

The final fight was the trashiest. Both Molly Rimswell and D’Knighten Day came out spitting beer into the air. They both had ripped pantyhose. To be honest, it was super ratchet. Molly had a shirt with the breasts cut out and she was wearing a breast plate. That plate probably lasted about 30 seconds before it was on her back and fell off. This was the most intense and funniest fight of the night. I’m glad they saved it for the finale.

I hope to see more forms of drag in the future because Drag Wrestling was amazing. House of Alxndr did a great job!