BbyMutha Fixed My Broken Heart Just in Time for the New Decade

I was recently rejected by someone that I thought I could be with, but listening to BbyMutha helped me recover by reminding me that I got myself.

BbyMutha makes it clear that she’s a bad b*tch and that men are not reliable for any type of support or stability. Her music reminded me that I need to focus on my own financial stability and growth. Here are some of the lessons I learned from a few of her songs.


In D.I.Y, BbyMutha is explaining that she in charge of her own success and that nobody can tell her how to live out her dreams. She doesn’t rely on record labels to help her gain popularity or carry out her vision. She’s her own boss and she’s not going to sell out for anyone. When I heard this song, I realized that looking for love is a distraction. I have dreams that I want to accomplish and I’m using too much energy on things that aren’t important right now. Guys will always be there but they are not going to give me success and happiness. I have to work on it myself. She says: “If I lose ain’t no complaining, cuz I lost because of me.” This line struck a chord with me because I know I’m not working as hard as I could be working. I also know that if I fail, it will only be my fault because I have to be accountable for my vision. This song reminds me to focus on myself and not boys.


BBC doesn’t really mention a BBC, but BbyMutha lets people know that she’s a bad bitch and you can’t kill her. I interpreted this to mean that no matter what people try to do to her, she’s gonna survive. There’s also a line that proclaims: “You broke my heart and then I turned into a f*cking goon.” I’m not a goon, but I have to keep it pushing and stop taking things to heart. I’m a bad b*tch and I can’t let heartbreak keep me down forever nor should I let my heart be broken so easily. Although I realize that humans have emotions and it’s okay to express them, I shouldn’t remain in a dark place for too long. I’ve survived a lot of things and a broken heart will heal.


Bbymutha outlines how men are toxic, manipulative leeches that drained her and how she use to give her all to a man but she realizes she can’t let these men stop her from living her life by waiting on them to get it together. This song reinforces the idea that men are trash. A belief I’ve had for a long time and that I almost forgot about. Bbymutha reminds me that I need to love myself and chase some bread. She states: ” I ain’t missing out on living loving you, I’m loving me instead…..I ain’t missing out on money chasing you, I’m chasing bread instead.” This song also helps me realize that I can’t let my self esteem be rooted in another person because if they choose to leave, that’s on them. I have to continue to thrive and live my life as if I never met them. Either they add to me or I have to keep it moving because people will use you until you forget who you are. This song showed me that I cannot let people come into my life temporarily and interrupt my lifestyle.